(December 2013) 4Life Malaysia held a “Back to School” event at Nur Iman Orphanage Home (PPNI) in Setapak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The orphanage’s mission is to provide education, care, love, and security to children by giving them a good start in life. For the 4Life event, 45 children at the orphanage welcomed Gold International Diamonds Rasid Kamisan and Hasrunita and Gold International Diamonds Dr. Sani Ashari and Norazizah Ruslan, as well as other distributor leaders and 4Life Malaysia executives and staff members. Donated funds, collected from distributors and provided by Foundation 4Life, were used to purchase school supplies, uniforms, school shoes, socks, and stationery sets for the children. After 4Life school bags were distributed, everyone in attendance enjoyed a special lunch. “We are proud to support Foundation 4Life, which undertakes a great responsibility to help those in need,” commented Rasid Kamisan and Hasrunita. “We hope meaningful events like these can help more people who need our help.” “It was heartwarming to see the happy and excited faces of the children when they received their new school supplies,” remarked 4Life Malaysia and Singapore General Manager Tan Cher Lyn.